Contact Support

Phone: 800-327-0955

Minimum System Requirements VertexDr® and Meridian Practice Manager

If you have questions, please contact the Meridian Technical team prior to purchasing any hardware.


Mobile Workstation

  • Tablet or Convertible
  • 2.40 GHz Dual Core CPU
  • 8 GB RAM (memory)
  • 250 GB Hard Drive
  • 1Gb NIC or 54Mb 802.11g Wireless
  • 13.3” Dual Digitizer Display (indoor)
  • DVD Writer/CDR
  • Windows 7 Pro/ 10 Professional (64 bit Recommended)*
  • Microsoft Office 2010 or better (Optional)

Stationary Workstation

  • 2.8 GHz or greater Dual Core CPU
  • 8 GB RAM (memory) or greater
  • 250 GB Hard Drive or greater
  • 1Gb Network Card
  • 17″ Monitor (Resolution 1280×1024)
  • Windows 7 Pro/ 8.1Pro 32Bit (64 bit Recommended)*
  • Power Protection
  • Microsoft Office 2010 or better (Optional)

Optional Accessories


  • Interfaces: USB
  • Compliant Standard: TWAIN
  • Minimum Resolution: 200 x 200dpi
  • Speed: Depends on Volume
  • Duplex: Optional
  • Software: Citrix license is required for remote scanning from satellite offices*

Contact Meridian technical support to verify scanner compatibility and software requirements.
*Remote Sites require 3rd party software for remote scanning functionality, unless using the Citrix platform.


  • Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX; or equivalent


Meridian Database ServerVertexDr 1–5 UsersVertexDr 5–10 UsersVertexDr 10+ Users
ProcessorIntel Xeon 4 coresIntel Xeon E Series 4–8 coresIntel Xeon E Series 8–16 cores
DualPower Supplies & FansPower Supplies, FansPower Supplies, Fan 2nd Network Adapter (recommended)
Hard Drive ConfigurationEvaluation on a per client basis
Example: 5 Drives – 250GB SATA – 2x Raid One with Hot Swap Spare
RAID 10 SAS with Hot spareRAID 10 SAS with Hot spare
Network CardYes1Gb (Teamed Recommended)Dual 1Gb – Teamed
Tape Backup System or equivalent data backup systemYesYesYes
Tape Backup SoftwareSymantec Backup Exec or equivalentSymantec Backup Exec or equivalentSymantec Backup Exec or equivalent
Operating System Windows Server 2008/R2 Windows Server 2012/R2Windows Server 2008/R2 Windows Server 2012/R2Windows Server 2008/R2 Windows Server 2012/R2
DatabaseMicrosoft SQL Server 2012Microsoft SQL Server 2012Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Other ProgramsSQL Compare (optional)SQL Compare (optional)SQL Compare (optional)

Virtualization Technologies are supported. Adequate physical resources as defined in this document must be allocated to the virtual machine. Server should be dedicated to database server role only. Additional roles, including Microsoft Active Directory roles, should not be installed on the database server. In very small deployments where this best practice is not feasible, additional hardware resources should be allocated.

Contact Meridian Technical Support for additional information and current recommendation.

Meridian Citrix Server

Citrix Services and appropriate licensing would be required for remote sites requiring voice recognition/dictation or annotation functionality. Dragon Software is also required for voice recognition.

Practice Manager Only 1–5 Users
Processor 1 Core / 4 users
4 cores minimum to support O/S and VertexDr application
DualPower Supplies & Fans
Memory1GB / user
Hard Drive Configuration Evaluation on a per client basis
Example: 5 Drives – 250GB SATA – 2x Raid One with Hot Swap Spare – 15K minimum
Network Card1 GB
Tape Backup System or
equivalent data backup system
Tape Backup System or
equivalent data backup system
Operating SystemWindows Server 2008/R2 Windows Server 2012/R2
Other Programs M3 Recommend dedicate server VertexDR

Virtualization Technologies are supported. Adequate physical resources as defined in this document must be allocated to the virtual machine.

Contact Meridian Technical Support for additional information and current recommendation.

Citrix Services and appropriate licensing would be required for remote sites requiring voice recognition/dictation or annotation functionality. Dragon Software is also required for voice recognition.

Non Citrix / native remote desktop services configuration is supported however may require additional 3rd party tools and hardware for scanning and printing functionality.


1–5 Users 5–10 Users 11–20 Users21+ Users
Network– Switched 1GB
– Category 5e or better cabling
– Switched 1GB
– Category 5e or better cabling
– Switched 1GB
– Category 5e or better cabling
– Switched 1GB
with teaming capabilities for server
– Category 5e or better cabling
Internet*High Speed Internet with a Static IPHigh Speed Internet with a Static IPHigh Speed Internet with a Static IPHigh Speed Internet with a Static IP
Firewall**Cisco ASA 5505/5506 w/ 3DES or EquivalentCisco ASA 5505/5506 w/ 3DES or EquivalentCisco ASA 5505/5510 w/ 3DES or EquivalentCisco ASA 5505/5510 w/ 3DES or Equivalent
Antivirus ProtectionYesYesYesYes
VPN***Secure remote connection required for support s purpose

*High speed Internet required.
**Cisco SmartNet or equivalent manufacturer’s annual support agreement strongly recommended for all firewalls.

Bandwidth per RDP/Citrix session

  • An average of 80-100kbps minimum is usually required per user session.

Wireless Network for Mobility

  • Compliant Standard: 802.11g/n
  • Speed: 54Mb minimum
  • Encryption Algorithm: WPA2 or better
  • Number of Access Points: Medium to large offices should have a site survey completed prior to implementing wireless networking.

The following items are required prior to the installation of Meridian products:

  • CAT5E or better cabling, certified to 1GB potential
  • Servers, workstations, printers, scanners and peripherals installed, tested and accessible to all authorized users.
  • SQL Server or SQL Express installed on database server including SQL management tools.
  • All updates, patches, service packs and current device drivers applied to all hardware, operating system and third party applications including Microsoft Office, Antivirus Systems, and SQL Server.
  • Power protection or uninterruptible power supplies on all key devices, including servers, routers, firewalls, dsu/csu’s and switches.
  • Data Backup Systems installed, tested and operational (client responsible for their own database /server backups).
  • Network addresses (IP) assigned and device names configured and documented and reviewed with Origin Healthcare Solutions Technical Department
  • Dedicated high speed Internet with a Static IP & Firewall protection installed, tested and operational.
  • Domain Controller, Active Directory, user names & passwords, group and network security configured using Microsoft and industry best practices.
  • Inter-Office connectivity and remote access installed, tested and operational. Including: data circuits, routers, firewalls, virtual private networks (VPN), remote access software (terminal services or VPN clients).
  • Connectivity to Meridian configured, tested and installed.
  • Microsoft .NET 4.0 or better loaded on each workstation and server with the security set for Full Trust. Verify version with Meridian technical support prior to loading.
  • Set Intranet Trust level for .NET 4.0 to “Full Trust”.
  • Microsoft Windows XP Tablet Edition Development Kit 1.7 loaded on each standard workstation. Verify version with Meridian technical support prior to loading.
  • All tablets require Microsoft KBB900722.

Third Party System Vendors or Client Self-Install:

  • Clients may select a vendor of their choice for hardware, system, and network products and support.

Please note: Vendors unfamiliar with Meridian’s software usually require installation support from Meridian. Installation support is chargeable to the client at Meridian’s currently published rates.

Meridian Recommended Vendors:

  • Meridian maintains a list of vendors who are familiar with Meridian system requirements. These vendors have previously provided hardware, installation, consultation or communication services to Meridian clients.
  • Vendors are listed based on client feedback regarding the quality, timeliness and on-going support services provided.
  • This list is subject to change.
  • Meridian makes no warranties explicit or implied regarding the products and services provided by a recommended vendor. All contracting and pricing is negotiated between the vendor and client.

Vendor and Client Installation Support:

  • Meridian will provide consultation and support services when requested to assist client or client’s vendor.
  • Installation support must be requested by an authorized representative of the client.
  • Support may be provided by telephone, email, and remote access/control or on-site.
  • All installation consulting and support is chargeable at Meridian currently published rates unless otherwise agreed to in writing by an authorized Meridian representative.
  • Meridian will arrange for the provisioning, contracting and installation of data services for a client with a properly authorized “Letter of Agency” (LOA). All charges and contract commitments are the responsibility of the client.

Revision 2-8-2018

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