To add Discontinuous Charge
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Based on the Final Rule which was published in November 2018 the following is material pertinent to the Quality and Cost categories: Quality Category The Quality category carries a weight of 45% of your total MIPS score as compared to 50% last year. Claims-based measures can only be submitted by clinicians in a small practice (15 or fewer clinicians). This is the first year that claim…
Are revenue cycle firms a godsend or an added expense? Do you enjoy the daily business of medicine? Not the world of patients and symptoms, but the domain of claims, collections, receipts, and reports, for which there is woefully little training in the medical school curriculum. If you don’t, you are not alone. Thousands of providers have effectively delegated their entire financial…
Meet us at the show! We will be at table 17 at the HFMA Region 1 conference. HFMA region 1 serves over 2,200 member healthcare professionals. The four New England Chapters collaborate to plan and develop the annual regional conference.
Attending the HFMA annual conference in Orlando? Stop by booth 374 to meet our team of revenue cycle management experts and learn how Meridian can help you improve your financial performance.
Working denials is costly; it delays collections and uses valuable and expensive resource time. Join Claudia Maiorana, Meridian’s Senior Vice President, Customer Success, MaryAnn LaMarche, Director Solutions Management at PrecisionBI and Brenda Lawrence, Director Revenue Cycle at Rutgers Health Group as they cover the process and analytics needed to identify denials that are…
Meridian Medical Management today announced that the newest version of VertexDr is 100% compliant with the latest regulations for Meaningful Use Stage 3 as well as the Promoting Interoperability (formerly ACI) reporting standards. Additionally, a new module has been added to allow practices to send appointment and billing reminders to patients via text messages. You can read the full press…
Meridian Medical Management’s Microbots automate labor-intensive, costly, and error-prone revenue cycle management activities.
Robotic Process Automation using Meridian’s Microbots streamlines claim status and eligibility processes, helping to improve your bottom line. Robotic Automation Streamlines Claim Status and Denial Management Microbots support healthcare facilities by applying automation to many labor-intensive, costly and error-prone activities within Revenue Cycle Management What are manual processes…